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Toronto red

Toronto red

This charming padded winter raincoat reaches to the calf. Because of the length and the additional piece of fabric, this long raincoat is ideal for ladies who like to exercise (cycling, walking), but want to keep their legs dry during rain. This long raincoat is also perfect for winterseason because of the warm padding. The long raincoat is windproof, waterproof and breathable with an additional piece of fabric at the front. The additional piece of fabric gives you extra room to move while keeping your legs dry.

€ 189.00

Bekijk bij happyrainydays.com
NameToronto red
DescriptionThis charming padded winter raincoat reaches to the calf. Because of the length and the additional piece of fabric, this long raincoat is ideal for ladies who like to exercise (cycling, walking), but want to keep their legs dry during rain. This long raincoat is also perfect for winterseason because of the warm padding. The long raincoat is windproof, waterproof and breathable with an additional piece of fabric at the front. The additional piece of fabric gives you extra room to move while keeping your legs dry.
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