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Weight Loss Consultant

Weight Loss Consultant

<p>A healthy mind in a healthy body

€ 329.00

Bekijk bij ecoledebienetre.be
NameWeight Loss Consultant
ProductCategoryNameHealthcare & Welfare
Description<p>A healthy mind in a healthy body
Extra informatie
DescriptionLong<p>A healthy mind in a healthy body. This ancient credo is still extremely relevant to this day and you pick it up handy.</p>
<p>Do you feel called upon to guide others towards a healthier lifestyle? Whether it is about healthier body of excess pounds or adjusting someone's unhealthy diet: thanks to the training course {$course.CourseName} you become the ideal point of contact.</p>
<p>Learn more about nutrients and what they do with our body. But the psychological side of food is also not overlooked. At the end of the ride you can provide everyone with a nutrition plan to his or her size.</p>
<br/>Content<br/> <ul>
<li>Micro and macronutrients</li>
<li>The standard setting</li>
<li>Digestion and metabolism</li>
<li>Healthy and alternative food</li>
<li>Weight and obesity</li>
<li>Wealth diseases</li>
<li>Intolerances and allergies</li>
<li>The psychological aspects of nutrition and diets</li>
<li>The different eating disorders</li>
<li>Start as an independent slimming consultant</li>
<br/>Competences<br/> <ul>
<li>Show clients the way to a healthy lifestyle in a scientifically responsible manner</li>
<li>Settle in a correct and healthy way with obesity</li>
<li>Make your clients shine thanks to your professional feeding schedule ' and customized diets</li>
CategoryPathHealthcare & Welfare > Nutrition Consultant
SubcategoriesNutrition Consultant


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