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How to Relax Your Kids

How to Relax Your Kids

To help your children manage their emotions, learn to focus and unwind, it is essential to teach them simple and efficient relaxation techniques in a format appealing to them...

€ 7.99

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NameHow to Relax Your Kids
DescriptionTo help your children manage their emotions, learn to focus and unwind, it is essential to teach them simple and efficient relaxation techniques in a format appealing to them...
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DescriptionLongTo help your children manage their emotions, learn to focus and unwind, it is essential to teach them simple and efficient relaxation techniques in a format appealing to them. This selection of exercises specially designed for children will introduce them to relaxation through breathing techniques, guided visualizations, and mindfulness; they can be used by the whole family, as these proven techniques are the same adults can learn. Children live in a information-packed environment. These relaxation exercises will help them calm down, manage their stress and emotions for greater patience and awareness; regular practice will improve their concentration skills, help them build self-esteem and fall asleep quickly and peacefully.
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