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The Rock Slide TRS-SB

The Rock Slide TRS-SB

<span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">This is the slide that started the Rock Slide revolution in 1999. Features include a tapered interior, finger rest, knuckle cutaway & a highly polished finish. Specifically designed to improve the way you slide and sustain!<br><br></span></span>

€ 39.70

Bekijk bij dekrijgermuziek.nl
NameThe Rock Slide TRS-SB
Description<span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">This is the slide that started the Rock Slide revolution in 1999. Features include a tapered interior, finger rest, knuckle cutaway & a highly polished finish. Specifically designed to improve the way you slide and sustain!<br><br></span></span>
Extra informatie
Colorpolished brass slide size S (inside 17 - length 47.5mm)


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