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Vandoren VDA-35V16 rieten voor altsaxofoon 3.5

Vandoren VDA-35V16 rieten voor altsaxofoon 3.5

<span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Thicker tip than the traditional Vandoren reeds and a longer pallet. Launched in 1993 when some American jazz musicians demanded JAVA-type reeds with even more wood. Sound: more briljant, more percussive, particularly well adapted to all the new styles of music.</span></span>

€ 59.80

Bekijk bij dekrijgermuziek.nl
NameVandoren VDA-35V16 rieten voor altsaxofoon 3.5
Description<span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Thicker tip than the traditional Vandoren reeds and a longer pallet. Launched in 1993 when some American jazz musicians demanded JAVA-type reeds with even more wood. Sound: more briljant, more percussive, particularly well adapted to all the new styles of music.</span></span>
Extra informatie
Colorrieten voor altsaxofoon 3.5, 10-pack


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