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Topografische kaart Höggunakort Tectonic Map of Iceland | Mal og Menning

Topografische kaart Höggunakort Tectonic Map of Iceland | Mal og Menning

The Höggunarkort is a map about tectonics in Iceland. On the front side you will find a 1:600,000 map of the island with the different layers of land differentiated according to their period of formation and not their composition, but also various volcanic formations.</div>
On the back, photos and explanatory texts illustrate, among other things, the terms of the legend (period and volcanic formations). Some of the concepts developed are: fault, Tertiary, Miocene, caldera, central volcano...</div>

€ 22.50

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NameTopografische kaart Höggunakort Tectonic Map of Iceland | Mal og Menning
ProductCategoryNameTopografische kaarten
The Höggunarkort is a map about tectonics in Iceland. On the front side you will find a 1:600,000 map of the island with the different layers of land differentiated according to their period of formation and not their composition, but also various volcanic formations.</div>
On the back, photos and explanatory texts illustrate, among other things, the terms of the legend (period and volcanic formations). Some of the concepts developed are: fault, Tertiary, Miocene, caldera, central volcano...</div>
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PublisherMal og Menning


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